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Estrategias didácticas comunitarias para la enseñanza y aprendizaje del idioma Aymara como lengua materna en la educación superior.

Guillermo Condori Chipana

Condori Chipana, G. (2021). Estrategias didácticas comunitarias para la enseñanza y aprendizaje del idioma Aymara como lengua materna en la educación superior. Educación Superior, 8(1), 16–27.

The purpose of the study is to determine the community didactic strategies used by teachers in the teaching of the Aymara language as a mother tongue at the Bolivian Indigenous Aymara University “Tupak Katari.” Data was collected through interviews, questionnaires and observations, employing a mixed method approach of qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The research is descriptive and thorough. The study population was 111 people, from which the investigators took a non-probabilistic sample of 38 students and 4 teachers. The results obtained show the relevance and use of the didactic strategies of escrituralidad, orality, dialogue, reading of Aymara wisdoms, and writing in social networks. According to the findings, the community strategy is defined as a methodological model of teaching-learning in contrast to mainstream practices. Also, there is evidence of the use of natural spaces and didactic materials of Mother Earth for the teaching- learning of Aymara as a mother tongue, which are used under the principles and community values of the ayllu and finally, it is concluded that there is a need to create, adopt and apply different functional, practical, comprehensive and community strategies to strengthen language skills in the teaching-learning of Aymara as a mother tongue in higher education, as long as they are in accordance with the linguistic reality of the Aymara language and culture.

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