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Article scientifique

Indigenous Knowledges as Vital Contributions to Sustainability.

Miye Nadya Tom; Elizabeth Sumida Huaman; Teresa L. McCarty

Tom, M. N., Sumida, E. S., et McCarty, T. L. (2019). Indigenous Knowledges as Vital Contributions to Sustainability. Int Rev Educ, 65: 1–18.

In this special issue we rethink dominant discourses of development, globalisation and sustainability, focusing on local Indigenous ideas, practices and visions of education that hold direct benefit for Indigenous peoples and broader impacts for all peoples. These contributions exemplify global diversity and respond to a critical question posed at the height of globalisation discourses and still relevant today: “Education for what will prevail in the globalization age?” (Stromquist and Monkman 2000, p. 21). In an era marked by widening economic and education disparities, and increasing environmental, social and political precarity (Grande 2018),Footnote2 Indigenous and other non-dominant peoples are rendered most vulnerable. Within the scope of the regions and peoples represented in this issue, we aim to counter that precarity through a critical global dialogue on the significance of Indigenous knowledge systems to education for a sustainable future.

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