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Article scientifique

K’e, Hozhó, and Non-governmental Politics on the Navajo Nation: Ontologies of Difference Manifest in Environmental Activism.

Dana E. Powell; Andrew Curley

Powell, D., et Curley, A. (2009). K’e, Hozhó, and Non-governmental Politics on the Navajo Nation: Ontologies of Difference Manifest in Environmental Activism. World Anthropologies Network (WAN). Red de Antropologías del Mundo (RAM) electronic journal. (4): 109-138.

In this paper, we explore how non-governmental political action on the Navajo Nation, and environmental activism, in particular, is organized around the perennial question of development, and the ontological frictions that produce and continue to shape these debates. At the same time, we suggest that these ontological differences are never complete or total, but in fact are the result of historical processes of lived experience, as much dependent upon the circulations of “outside” forces such as popular culture, higher education, global pan-Indigenous movements, and the traveling discourses of environmentalism, climate change, and environmental justice, as upon anything inherently Diné.

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