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Article scientifique

Unsettling the Land Indigeneity, Ontology, and Hybridity in Settler Colonialism.

Paul Berne Burow; Samara Brock; Michael R. Dove

Berne, P., Brock, S., et Dove, R. (2018) Unsettling the Land Indigeneity, Ontology, and Hybridity in Settler Colonialism. Environment and Society, 9: 57-74.

Th is article examines diff erent ontologies of land in settler colonialism and
Indigenous movements for decolonization and environmental justice. Settler ontologies of land operate by occluding other modes of perceiving, representing, and experiencing land. Indigenous ontologies of land are commonly oriented around relationality and reciprocal obligations among humans and the other-than-human. Drawing together scholarship from literatures in political economy, political ecology, Indigenous studies, and post-humanism, we synthesize an approach to thinking with land to understand structures of dispossession and the possibilities for Indigenous revitalization through ontological hybridity. Using two diff erent case studies—plantation development in Indonesia and land revitalization in the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Nation—we further develop how settler and Indigenous ontologies operate on the ground, illumi-nating the coexistence of multiple ontologies of land. Given the centrality of land in settler colonialism, hybrid ontologies are important to Indigenous movements seek- ing to simultaneously strengthen sovereignty over territory and revitalize land- based practices.

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