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Article scientifique

La fin de l’université telle que nous la connaissons.

Walter Mignolo

Mignolo, W. (2009). La fin de l’université telle que nous la connaissons. Cahiers Des Amériques Latines, (62), 97–109.

This article is a critique of the current reorientation of the universities. Although in the past two decades, universities, particularly those in the US and Western Europe, have embraced corporate and market values, rejecting the humanistic values of the previous model, referred to by the author as the « Kantian-Humboltian» model. In this author’s view this reorientation is detrimental to the future of society and life on the planet. In addition, it contributes to a reinforcement of unilateral viewpoints. It is crucial in the author’s view that the university remain a site of free thinking and research, where creativity is not valued in relation to pressing and present needs but in terms of its contribution to the anticipation of future problems. A reform of universities and knowledge practices is necessary. In this respect, the author affirms the need for a global conceptual and epistemic discussion regarding a politics of de-westernization and decolonization of education and knowledge.

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