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Article scientifique

Workshops as teaching learning environments.

Raymattja Marika-Mununggiritj

Marika-Mununggiritj, R. (1990). Workshops as teaching learning environments. Ngoonjook, (4), 43-55. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/ielapa.153016515987214

Yolngu educationalists at Yirrkala have been actively researching into the development of a curriculum and a pedagogy for “both ways” education since 1985. When we talk of “both ways” we do not have an idea of dualism. We view “both ways” in terms of Yolngu word “garma”. This is an open word used by both Yirritja and Dhuwa clans describing the format where a Yolngu learning environment begins. Garma} implies negotiation between the two moieties – the Yirritja and the Dhuwa, and the coming to agreement about what will happen in the teaching and learning in the garma episode. Some Balanda2 still deny that this sort of “both ways” education is possible. They deny that it can be applied when we are in the process of its application.

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