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Speaking back to Manifest Destinies: a land education-based approach to critical curriculum inquiry.

Dolores Calderon

Calderon, D. (2014). Speaking back to Manifest Destinies: a land education-based approach to critical curriculum inquiry. Environmental Education Research, 20(1), 24-36. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2013.865114

This article examines the ways in which settler colonialism shapes place in thesocial studies curriculum, producing understandings of land and citizenship ineducational settings. To do this, the author uses the emergent framework of landeducation to move forward the important projects of place-based education,especially its potential for centering indigeneity and confronting educationalforms of settler colonialism in environmental education. To emphasize howplace-based education can intersect with land education, the author outlines howa concept of place, informed by Indigenous knowledge, renders settlercolonialism visible. The author then describes how current models of place-based education differ from land education in a number of ways. Finally, using aland education approach, the author demonstrates how schooling, through socialstudies curriculum, transmits a settler colonial land ethic that must be madeexplicit in order to decolonize settler colonial relations attached to current peda-gogical models of place. The author insists land education–like environmentaleducation–must take place across the curriculum (k-16). However, land educa-tion implies a commitment to begin to understand the process of decolonizationthat takes seriously the centrality of settler colonialism.

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