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Milthun latju wäŋa romgu Yolŋu: Valuing Yolŋu knowledge in the education system.

Raymattja Marika

Marika, R. (1999). Milthun latju wäŋa romgu Yolŋu: Valuing Yolŋu knowledge in the education system. Ngoonjook Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, 16, 107-120. https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/ielapa.964748961603912

My name is Raymattja, my surname is Marika, my other name, the deep clan name is Gunutjpirr Gunuwarja. This deep clan name is an esoteric name which defines all Rirratjiiju people and links us to our land – it is evocative of where we are from and the language we speak. I learnt some of this philosophy and the structure of land tenure from my fathers, and from other elders, both me n and women. They gave us so much as part of our own professional growth and development. They taught us how we should live and balance ourselves and our views so that foreign viewpoints do not engulf us in this ever changing world.

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