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Article scientifique

Leaching the poison – The importance of process and partnership in working with Yolngu.

Rarriwuy Marika; Yalmay Yunupingu; Raymattja Marika-Mununggiritj; Samantha Muller

Marika, R., Yunupingu, Y., Marika-Mununggiritj, R., & Muller, S. (2009). Leaching the poison – The importance of process and partnership in working with Yolngu. Journal of Rural Studies, 25(4): 404-413. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2009.05.007

The popular construction of rural places as ‘white’ spaces has significant repercussions for ethnic, Indigenous and ‘other’ groups who do not always fit within prescribed dominant processes. This paper provides new insights for rural scholarship through an engagement with Indigenous specific experiences of governance and decision making in rural and remote areas. Drawing on powerful Yolngu metaphors from northeast Arnhem Land, Australia, it makes Yolngu law and perspectives visible. Like the cycad nut that has poison within its flesh, so have government impositions on Indigenous people in remote areas. This paper is written to leach the poison out, to let it be cleansed.

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