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Do Comum Da Educação Ambiental À Educação Ambiental Do Comum.

Rodrigo Barchi

Barchi, R. (2020). Do Comum Da Educação Ambiental À Educação Ambiental Do Comum. Educação em Revista, 36, 1-16

Based on the notion of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri that the common is not only shared land, but created languages, established social practices, modes of sociability and collective intellectual production, this text seeks to discuss environmental education as a communal field of research and militancy in ecology and education, and to think the common as a privileged space for the creation and exercise of ecological perspectives in education. The article is the partial result of theoretical and conceptual research, and is divided into four parts. The first one presents the concept of “common notions” in Spinoza and in the reading of some of his commentators; the second seeks to understand the influence of the “common notions” on the elaboration of the concept of common in the joint work of Hardt and Negri, and the debate about it in the work of Dardot and Laval. In the third part it intends to think about the creation, production and dissemination of environmental education in Brazil as a result of the actions and thoughts in common of educators and environmental activists. And in the fourth part, it seeks to build, from the proposal of the Ecological Perspectives in Education, especially in the work of Reigota, some conceptual connections to think of environmental education as a political exercise built for the common.

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