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Decolonizing Education Through Transdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change Education.

Teresa Newberry; Octaviana V. Trujillo

Newberry, T., et Trujillo, O. V. (2019). Decolonizing Education Through Transdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change Education. Dans L. Tuhiwai Smit, E. Tuck et K. W. Yang (dir.), Indigenous and Decolonizing Studies in Education: Mapping the Long View (p. 204-214). Routledge.

In order to reconnect younger, physically active Indigenous learners to ḥiškʷiiʔatḥ land, to ḥiškʷiiʔatḥ language, to ḥiškʷiiʔatḥ stories, to ḥiškʷiiʔatḥ kinship and to the responsibilities that come with being a ḥiškʷiiʔatḥ person, the planning and delivery of this project combined place-based education approaches with research-supported language immersion techniques within a ḥiškʷiiʔatḥ framework. I analyze my experience prior, during and proceeding this study to support my assertion that programs developed and delivered around place-based Indigenous knowledge and spirituality can contribute to re-strengthening principles of ancestral continuity and renewal. A further result of the study was the continuation and expansion of my ability to create and deliver ḥiškʷiiʔatḥ-centered language immersion lessons that align with Indigenous ancestral ways in various environments.