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American Education: A History.

Wayne J. Urban; Jennings L. Wagoner; Milton Gaither

Urban, W.J., Wagoner, J.L., & Gaither, M. (2019). American Education: A History (6th ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429426179

American Education: A History, Sixth Editionis a comprehensive, highly regarded history ofAmerican education from precolonial times to the present. Chronologically organized, itprovides an objective overview of each major period in the development of Americaneducation, setting the discussion against the broader backdrop of national and worldevents. In addition to its in-depth exploration of Native American traditions (includingeducation) prior to colonization, it also offers strong, ongoing coverage of minorities andwomen. This much-anticipated sixth edition brings heightened attention to the historyof education of individuals with disabilities, of classroom pedagogy and technology, ofteachers and teacher leaders, and of educational developments and controversies of thetwenty-first century.

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