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Article scientifique

Alaska Native Education: History and Adaptation in the New Millenium.

Angayuqaq Oscar Kawagley

Kawagley, A. (1999). Alaska Native Education: History and Adaptation in the New Millenium. The Journal of American Indian Education, 39, 31-51.

For the Yupiaq people, culture, knowing and living are intricately interrelated. Living in a harsh environment requires a vast array of precise empirical knowledge to survive the many risks due to conditions such as unpredictable weather and marginal food availability. To avoid starvation they must employ a variety of survival strategies, including appropriate storage of foodstuffs that they can fall back on during the time of need. Their food gathering and storage must be efficient as well as effective. If this were not so, how could they possibly hope to survive? To help them achieve this balance, they have developed an outlook of nature as metaphysic.

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