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Article scientifique

A ghetto land pedagogy: an antidote for settler environmentalism.

La Paperson

Paperson, L. (2014). A ghetto land pedagogy: an antidote for settler environmentalism. Environmental Education Research, 20(1), 115-130. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2013.865115

A ghetto land pedagogy begins with two axioms that align it with land education more broadly, and that distinguish it from the general umbrella of environmental education. First, ghetto colonialism is a specialization of settler colonialism. Second, land justice requires decolonization, not just environmental justice. A ghetto land pedagogy thus attends to an analysis of settler colonialism, offers a critique of settler environmentalism, and forwards a decolonizing cartography as a method for land education. This article discusses ‘storied land’ as a critical cartographic method for land education, illustrated through a discussion of land in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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