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Surviving in different worlds: Transferring Inuit traditions from elders to youth.

Jarich Oosten; Frédéric Laugrand

Oosten, J., & Laugrand, F. (dir). (2007). Surviving in different worlds: Transferring Inuit traditions from elders to youth. Nunavut Arctic College.

Surviving in Different Worlds presents information from two workshops that brought Nunavut elders and young people together to discuss Inuit traditional knowledge. In these workshops, Inuit elders discussed a variety of topics including survival, marriage, shamanism, and legends.

Inuit qaujimajatuqangit relates to a tradition of knowledge embedded in a hunting mode of existence. Survival depended on an extensive knowledge of the land and its inhabitants. People had to observe the weather, the land, the animals, and the rules of respect relating to them. Today, the generation of elders that grew up before the introduction of modern communities still preserves much of that knowledge. However, their number is dwindling. This book is a fascinating transfer of knowledge from elders to youth to preserve traditional Inuit knowledge.