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Políticas de lugar: convergencias de discusión e intervenciones académicas, sociales y políticas

Lucía Aichino; Lorena Arancibia; Carolina Cisterna; Candelaria Juliá; Santiago Llorens; Lucas Palladino; Carla Pedrazzani; Carolina Ricci; Francisco Robino

Aichino, L., et al. (2013). Políticas de lugar: convergencias de discusión e intervenciones académicas, sociales y políticas. Cardinalis. Revista Del Departamento de Geografía, 1(1), 1–18.

The place and politics of place`s proposal have been and are –currently- worked by different approaches so as in social sciences as in geography. There are convergences and differences in the meanings that the different authors developed. Because of that is fundamental, when we make a reflexion of them, come up with and specify the ontological, epistemological, social, and politic’s aspects that each approach have. The objective of this paper is to look over the different place`s points of view and finally concentrate in the emergent post-constructivist approaches. We analyze critically the aspects mentioned before to articulate with concrete experiences and contribute -from the dialogue of knowledge- to the constructions of inclusive politics of place.

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