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Estrategias didácticas comunitarias para la enseñanza y aprendizaje del idioma Aymara como lengua materna en la educación superior.

The purpose of the study is to determine the community didactic strategies used by teachers in the teaching of the Aymara language as a mother tongue at the Bolivian Indigenous Aymara University “Tupak Katari.” Data was collected through interviews, questionnaires and observations, employing a mixed method approach of qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The research is descriptive and thorough. The study population was 111 people, from which the investigators took a non-probabilistic sample of 38 students and 4 teachers. The results obtained show the relevance and use of the didactic strategies of escrituralidad, orality, dialogue, reading of Aymara wisdoms, and writing in social networks. According to the findings, the community strategy is defined as a methodological model of teaching-learning in contrast to mainstream practices. Also, there is evidence of the use of natural spaces and didactic materials of Mother Earth for the teaching- learning of Aymara as a mother tongue, which are used under the principles and community values of the ayllu and finally, it is concluded that there is a need to create, adopt and apply different functional, practical, comprehensive and community strategies to strengthen language skills in the teaching-learning of Aymara as a mother tongue in higher education, as long as they are in accordance with the linguistic reality of the Aymara language and culture.

Guillermo Condori Chipana

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Ethics of Aboriginal research.

This paper proposes a set of principles to assist in developing ethical codes for the conduct ofresearch within the Aboriginal community or with external partners. It places the discussion ofresearch ethics in the context of cultural world view and the struggle for self-determination aspeoples and nations. It affirms that Aboriginal Peoples have a right to participate as principals orpartners in research that generates knowledge affecting their culture, identity and well-being. Toprovide context and rationale for the principles presented, the paper outlines features of thecurrent public dialogue on research ethics, how ethics are framed in Aboriginal cultures, and howAboriginal perceptions of reality and right behaviour clash with norms prevailing in westernresearch. Current initiatives of Aboriginal communities and nations, research granting councils andinstitutions to establish ethical guidelines for Aboriginal research are highlighted as evidence thatthe development of workable ethical regimes is already well begun.

Marlene Brant Castellano

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Êtres libres ou sauvages à civiliser ?: l’éducation des jeunes amérindiens dans les pensionnats indiens au québec, des années 1950 à 1970.

À partir des années 1850, le gouvernement fédéral canadien mit en œuvre le système des pensionnats autochtones, dans le cadre de son programme de « civilisation » des Amérindiens et des Inuits. Au Québec, ces pensionnats ouvrirent un siècle plus tard et furent gérés, jusqu’à leur fermeture, par des religieux catholiques. Dans la littérature sur le sujet, souvent focalisée sur les abus psychologiques et physiques, une perspective a été peu développée : l’idée que la conception eurocanadienne de la condition d’enfant et de l’éducation entrait en conflit avec celle des autochtones. Je défends cette proposition en prenant l’exemple du pensionnat indien d’Amos, en Abitibi, dont j’ai interviewé d’anciens élèves algonquins. Après avoir expliqué le projet d’assimilation canadien, j’examine d’une part la conception algonquine de l’éducation, d’autre part celle des religieux en charge des pensionnats. Enfin, je suggère que l’éducation dans les écoles canadiennes est toujours peu adaptée aux façons de penser amérindiennes.

Marie-Pierre Bousquet

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Evaluating aboriginal curricula using a cree-métis perspective with a regard towards indigenous knowledge.

There has been much development in Aboriginal curriculum guides across Turtle Island since the 1970s by education authorities. This development has been due to a need by many Aboriginal communities to decolonize their education systems. After all this development there is now a need to determine the direction this decolonization has taken and how far the process has progressed. To do this an analysis was conducted of the curriculum currently in use. Three different evaluation models were developed using an Indigenous philosophy to help assess current Aboriginal curricula in relation to an Indigenous philosophical and holistic worldview.To this end, five subgoals were set forth: 1. define a pan-Aboriginal philosophy of Indigenous knowledge; 2. review the history of Aboriginal education; 3. determine the objectives of Aboriginal education; 4. construct multiple frameworks to assess Aboriginal curricula; and 5. analyze over 48 Aboriginal curricula currently in use by Canadian Aboriginal education authorities.This research aims to improve the quality of education for Aboriginal peoples, in response to concerns raised by the Canadian federal government and more importantly by Aboriginal Canadians. Among the latter, multiple debates are going on about the type of education they wish for their children. Should it be integrationist, or Indigenous? Who should control the Aboriginal education system: the federal government, the provincial governments, or Aboriginal organizations (and which one and at what level)? Education is a battleground for larger political projects by both the dominant society and the dominated society. The underlying issues are power, agency, societal structures, survival, money, decolonization, and ongoing colonization. . Long-term change is needed, and the conflict will be over the nature of this change. Will it be the Western worldview or the Indigenous one?Depuis les années 70, de nombreux changements se sont produits sur l'Ile de la Tortue concernant le curriculum des Autochtones. Ces changements sont survenus au sein des communautés des Premières Nations afin de décoloniser leur système éducatif. Mais, il est temps maintenant de dresser un bilan de la direction prise par ces systèmes afin de déterminer l'étendue du progrès. Pour ce faire, une étude a été menée sur le curriculum actuellement utilisé. Trois différents modèles d'évaluation basés sur la philosophie autochtone et une vision holistique de l'éducation ont été utilisés.À cette fin, cinq champs de travail ont été choisis: 1. définir le savoir des Premières Nations selon la philosophie pan-autochtone 2. Réviser l'histoire de l'éducation autochtone 3. Déterminer les objectifs de l'éducation autochtone 4. Mettre sur pieds des critères d'évaluation des curricula autochtones 5. Analyser plus de 48 curricula autochtones présentement utilisés par les autorités autochtones du CanadaEn réponse aux demandes du gouvernement fédéral et des autochtones du Canada, cette recherche a pour but d'améliorer la qualité de l'éducation offerte aux Premières Nations. De nombreux débats touchant le type d'éducation que les Premières Nations souhaitent offrir à leurs enfants sont présentement en cours. L'éducation se doit-elle d'être intégrationiste ou bien aborigène? Qui devrait contrôler le système éducationnel: le gouvernement fédéral, le gouvernement provincial ou des organisations autochtones? L'éducation est le cheval de bataille des grands projets politiques, qu'ils soient ceux de la société dominante ou de la société dominée. Contrôle, «agency», les structures sociales, survie, argent, décolonisation et colonisation sont des éléments qui affect l‘éducation des autochtones. Un changement durable est nécessaire, mais il ne se fera pas sans quelques conflits sur la nature de ce changement. Sera-t-il occidental ou bien autochtone de nature?

Robert-Falcon Ouellette

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Exploring Place from an Aboriginal Perspective: Considerations for Outdoor and Environmental Education.

This article reports on a recent study about Outward Bound Canada’s Giwaykiwin program for Aboriginal youth. A key finding that emerged from the study was the need to design contemporary Aboriginal education programs based on a recognition of the evolution of Indigenous cultures and languages in close relationship with specific geographical areas. The implications of these findings are presented for both Aboriginal and nonAboriginal educators interested in incorporating an Aboriginal understanding of place in their practice. Recommendations are also provided for grounding outdoor and environmental education programs in local Indigenous traditions.Cet article rend compte d’une récente étude menée auprès du programme canadien Giwaykiwin « Outward Bound » pour la jeunesse autochtone. Une découverte importante qui est apparue dans l’étude était le besoin de concevoir un programme contemporain d’éducation autochtone basé sur la reconnaissance de l’évolution des cultures et des langues autochtones en étroite relation avec une géographie spécifique. La portée de ces découvertes est présentée à la fois aux éducateurs autochtones et non-autochtones intéressés à inclure une compréhension autochtone du lieu dans leur enseignement. On prévoit aussi des recommandations pour mettre en place des programmes de sensibilisation à l’environnement selon les traditions locales des autochtones.

Greg Lowan

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Faire (re)vivre l’Indien au coeur de l’enfant » : rituels de la première fois chez les Atikamekw Nehirowisiwok.

En se basant sur son expérience de terrain dans différentes communautés autochtones du Québec, et plus particulièrement dans la communauté atikamekw de Wemotaci (Haute-Mauricie), l’auteur propose dans cet article de livrer un regard sur les rituels de la première fois qui célèbrent différentes étapes dans la vie de jeunes atikamekw. Il s’attardera particulièrement sur un rituel peu abordé dans la littérature portant sur les groupes algonquiens du Canada : la cérémonie des premiers pas (ou de la première sortie, walking out ceremony). Plus qu’un rite de passage, la cérémonie des premiers pas valorise et renforce un ensemble de relations : avec les personnes, avec le territoire et avec le monde non humain.On the basis of his fieldwork experiences in aboriginal communities of Québec, especially in the Atikamekw community of Wemotaci (Haute-Mauricie), the author considers the methodological, theoretical and ethnographical dimensions of the rituals of the first time that marks different transitions in the life of a young Atikamekw. In particular, the paper reflects on a ritual little tackled in the literature on the Algonquian Peoples of Canada, the Walking Out Ceremony. More than a rite of passage, the ceremony enhances and reinforces a cluster of relations: with the people, the territory and the non-human world.

Laurent Jérôme

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Following in the footsteps of the wolf: connecting scholarly minds to ancestors in Indigenous language revitalization.

The authors’ respective experiences as Indigenous people, scholars, language activists, and Kwak’wala (Kwakwa̱ka̱’wakw/Kwakiutl language) and ḥiḥiškʷiiʔatḥa (Hesquiaht dialect of the Nuu-chah-nulth/Nootka language) adult language learners and teachers are discussed in relation to the literature on spirituality and the supernatural. Using dialogic and autoethnographical voices, the authors highlight the long-term effects of metaphysical interaction on learning, as well as acknowledging its role in Indigenous research as a foundational and continuous part of Indigenous search for knowledge. Indigenous cultural principles and the narrative research practice of Indigenous scholars guide the authors in drawing on the traditions of teaching through story, centering relationships, and practicing reciprocity in the context of where Indigenous researchers stand in continual relationship to their Indigenous communities.

T’łat’łaḵuł Patricia Rosborough; čuucqa Layla Rorick

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From Place to Territories and Back Again: Centering Storied Land in the Discussion of Indigenous Nation-Building.

This article explores the geopolitical importance of the word “land” to the field of Indigenous studies. Rather than simply take the word “land” as a given and natural element of the world around us, in this article I suggest a closer interrogation of the multiple social and geopolitical meanings that make land a key concept in indigenous political struggle. The processes of colonialism and neo- colonialism resulted in abstracting land as part of making nations that are recognized by the liberal settler nation-states. How have concepts of land changed in this process? How do we make Indigenous spaces that are not based on abstracting land and Indigenous bodies into state spaces, while maintaining political vitality? How are the lived realities of Indigenous peoples impacted by concepts of borders and territories that support the power of the nation-state? I draw on the narrative dimensions of land in the work of Indigenous writers in order to intercede in limiting the meanings of land to those mapped by the state.

Mishuana Goeman

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Gifted Rural Learners: Exploring Power, Place, and Privilege with a Focus on Promising Practices.

This special issue of Theory & Practice in Rural Education highlights gifted rural learners; the call sought papers on the concepts of power, place, privilege, or promising practices in the field of gifted rurality. This introductory article provides a brief synopsis of each of the seven peer reviewed articles and an analysis of three principal themes that emerged from the articles: equity, identity, and a sense of place. Additionally, three questions regarding gifted rurality are explored: How does gifted education view equity in the context of rurality? How does intersectionality impact gifted students? How does (or should) gifted education as a field adjust in order to recognize the strengths and assets of our gifted rural students?

Angela M. Novak

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