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Political Ecology and Decolonial Research: Co-production with the Iñupiat in Utqiaġvik.

Environmental social science research designs have shifted over the past several decades to include an increased commitment to multi-, inter-, and transdisciplinary team-based work that have had dual but complementary foci. These address power and equity in the substantive aspects of research, and also to adopt more engaged forms of practice, including decolonial approaches. The fields of political ecology, human geography, and environmental anthropology have been especially open to converge with indigenous scholarship, particularly decolonial and settler colonial theories and research designs, within dominant human-environmental social science paradigms. Scholars at the forefront of this dialogue highlight the ontological (ways of knowing), epistemological (how we know), and institutional (institutions of higher education) transformations that need to occur in order for this to take place. In this article we contribute to this literature in two ways. First, we highlight the synergies between political ecology and decolonial scholarship, particularly focusing on the power dynamics in research programs and historical legacies of human-environmental relationships, including those of researchers. Second, we explore how decolonial research pushes political ecologists and other environmental social scientists to not only consider adopting international and local standards of working with, by and for Indigenous Peoples within research programs but how this work ultimately extends to research and education within their home institutions and organizations. Through integrating decolonized research practices in the environmental social sciences, we argue that synthesizing multiple knowledge practices and transforming institutional structures will enhance team-based environmental social science work to improve collaboration with Indigenous scientists, subsistence practitioners, agency representatives, and sovereign members of Indigenous communities.

Laura Zanotti; Courtney Carothers; Charlene Apok; Sarah Huang; Jesse Coleman; Charlotte Ambrozek

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Políticas de lugar: convergencias de discusión e intervenciones académicas, sociales y políticas

The place and politics of place`s proposal have been and are –currently- worked by different approaches so as in social sciences as in geography. There are convergences and differences in the meanings that the different authors developed. Because of that is fundamental, when we make a reflexion of them, come up with and specify the ontological, epistemological, social, and politic’s aspects that each approach have. The objective of this paper is to look over the different place`s points of view and finally concentrate in the emergent post-constructivist approaches. We analyze critically the aspects mentioned before to articulate with concrete experiences and contribute -from the dialogue of knowledge- to the constructions of inclusive politics of place.

Lucía Aichino; Lorena Arancibia; Carolina Cisterna; Candelaria Juliá; Santiago Llorens; Lucas Palladino; Carla Pedrazzani; Carolina Ricci; Francisco Robino

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Potenciar la educación ambiental a través del estudio de caso.

This research paper describes how, through the didactic construction of the case study, midd- le-school students from the Mirabuenos campus of Institución Educativa Tierra Negra, (ietn) in Chipatá, Department of Santander (Colombia), understand the relationships between people from the municipality and their natural context. One of the main problems in this region is the agricultural and economic activity of panela production from sugarcane, under the ideal of eco- nomic development, while disregarding the fact that this activity causes imbalance and wear to natural ecosystems. As such, the purpose of the study that resulted in this article was to enhance citizen action and sensitivity of the students about the deterioration of their territory. Based on the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal foundations of Environmental Education (ea) and on the didactic strategy of building the case study with the students, we analyze environmental scenarios from the interpretative or hermeneutical paradigm, including: the conceptualization of ea, the theoretical-practical contextualization of the ea, and the recognition of the environmental problem. It was found that, as a didactic practice, the study case contributes to redefining the ea, by critically reflecting on land rights and recognizing that environmental issues are not isolated units, but that they are associated with the history of a community. Este artículo de investigación describe cómo a través de la construcción didáctica de estudio de caso, los estudiantes de básica secundaria de la Institución Educativa Tierra Negra, sede Mirabuenos (en adelante ietn), Chipatá, Santander (Colombia), comprenden las relaciones entre los pobladores del municipio y su contexto natural. Dentro de la problemática de esta región se resalta la actividad agrícola y económica de producción panelera a partir de la caña de azúcar, bajo el ideal del desarrollo económico, sin apreciar que dicha actividad causa desequilibrio y desgaste a los ecosistemas naturales. El propósito del estudio que antecede a este artículo radicó en potenciar la acción y sensibilidad ciudadana de los estudiantes sobre el deterioro de su territorio. A partir de los fundamentos conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales de la educación ambiental (en adelante ea) y de la estrategia didáctica de la construcción de estudio de caso con los estudiantes, se analizan desde el paradigma interpretativo o hermenéutico escenarios ambientales que incluyen: conceptualización de ea, contextualización teórico-práctica de la ea y reconocimiento de la problemática medioambiental. Se encontró que el estudio de caso, como didáctica, contribuye a la resignificación de la ea, al reflexionar de manera crítica sobre los derechos de la tierra y reconocer que las problemáticas ambientales no son unidades aisladas, sino que se asocian con el transcurrir histórico de una comunidad.

Leomary Niño Barajas; Yamile Pedraza-Jiménez

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Power and Place: Indian Education in America.

Power and Place examines the issues facing Native American students as they progress through schools, colleges, and on into professions. This collection of sixteen essays is at once philosophic, practical, and visionary. It is an effort to open discussion about the unique experience of Native Americans and offers a concise reference for administrators, educators, students and community leaders involved with Indian Education.

Jr. Vine Deloria; Daniel R. Wildcat

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Projet Matakan : autochtonisation de l’éducation et affirmation territoriale par l’enseignement en forêt pour des jeunes atikamekw du secondaire.

Fruit d’un partenariat entre le Conseil des Atikamekw de Manawan, l’organisme Tourisme Manawan, l’école secondaire Otapi et l’UQAM, le projet Matakan s’inscrit dans le contexte de valorisation des savoirs et du territoire atikamekw. Chaque été, depuis trois ans, des camps de transmission estivaux de deux semaines sont organisés en territoire avec des jeunes du secondaire afin de valoriser des savoirs et des récits atikamekw transmis par des ainés et des experts de la communauté de Manawan. Cet article présente la démarche et certains résultats de cette recherche-action participative.

Laurent Jérôme; Sakay Ottawa; Marie-Christine Petiquay

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Promises of the past: A history of Indian education in the United States.

This book presents a historical overview of American Indian education and includes excerpts of government documents, court decisions, letters from commissioners of Indian affairs, and personal accounts. The book depicts the continuous efforts of White society to educate and assimilate Native Americans into the Euro-American culture. Chapters 1 and 2 characterize Indian education before European contact; describe traditional methods used to teach Indian children the rules, values, and world view of their society; contrast Indian education with that of early colonists; and describe early efforts to change the fundamental cultural orientation of the Indians. Other chapters cover the following topics: (1) treaty negotiations and violations; (2) mission education during the treaty years (1778-1871); (3) the religious school controversy (1869-1908); (4) tribally controlled education; (5) government boarding schools; (6) the 1928 Meriam Report that investigated all aspects of Indian affairs; (7) the Navajo-Hopi Rehabilitation Act of 1950; (8) the role of public schools; (9) the 1969 Kennedy Report that investigated the inequities of Indian education; (10) Indian self-determination and education; and (11) tribally controlled community colleges.

David H. Dejong

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Propuesta de una metodología intercultural para una pedagogía indígena: la experiencia de las licenciaturas interculturales indígenas con el pueblo kaingang.

This paper presents the experience of Indigenous Intercultural Licentiate Courses offered by the Regional Community University of Chapecó, within Kaingang’s territory. Based on this experiment, there is the proposal of an intercultural methodology that contemplates a specific pedagogy for indigenous education in the region. Thus, the experiment is the development of a program to train kaingang teachers, to supply early childhood and primary education in their communities. Despite the positive results of the training process, which reached a large number of teachers, it was noticeable the lack of curricular content and a specific and distinctive pedagogy for indigenous education. This understanding brought the need to propose a specific intercultural methodology to collect and systematize these years’ experience, to outline a contextualized pedagogy.Este trabajo presenta la experiencia de las licenciaturas interculturales indígenas dictadas por la Universidad Comunitaria de la Región de Chapecó dentro de la tierra indígena kaingang. A partir de esta experiencia, se propone esbozar una metodología intercultural que sirva para pensar en una pedagogía específica para la educación indígena en la región. La experiencia consiste en el desarrollo de un programa destinado a la formación de profesores indígenas de la etnia kaingang para las escuelas iniciales y medias de sus comunidades. Si bien el proceso de formación tuvo resultados positivos y logró formar una cantidad significativa de profesores, percibimos la ausencia de un contenido curricular y una pedagogía específica y diferenciada para la educación indígena. A partir de esta percepción surgió la necesidad de proponer una metodología intercultural específica que recoja y sistematice la experiencia de estos años, a fin de esbozar una pedagogía adecuada a las necesidades específicas de las comunidades indígenas.

Jorge Alejandro Santos; Leonel Piovezana; Ana Paula Narsizo

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Pueblos indígenas, saberes y descolonización: procesos interculturales en América Latina.

Los artículos que componen la sección Lente de aproximación de este número monográfico de Polis encaran esta interesante pero intricada problemática. Parte de ellos fue presentada originalmente en el simposio "Pueblos indígenas, saberes y descolonización. Propuestas y perspectivas desde América Latina", organizado en el marco del III Congreso Internacional de Ciencias, Tecnologías y Culturas, en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile, del 7 al 10 de enero de 2013. En la continuidad de los debates que animaron esta actividad, el conjunto de los trabajos incluidos en este dossier muestran que los desafíos planteados por la implementación de políticas educativas interculturales son tan numerosos como diversos. En este sentido, el dossier ofrece un panorama relativamente completo de las apuestas ligadas a la descolonización de los saberes y problematiza la asimetría que, en términos de relaciones de poder y dominación, atraviesa a los procesos educativos en contextos indígenas.

Blanca Fernández; Bastien Sepúlveda

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